Memento Mori: Dorothea Tanning (1910 – 2012)

”Keep your eye on your inner world and keep away from ads, idiots and movie stars.”

Dorothea Tanning

Max Ernst & Dorothea Tanning

A noite passada ficou marcada por mais uma passagem para uma outra dimensão da Existência. Estamos a falar da morte de Dorothea Tanning, companheira de Max Ernst até à data da morte do mesmo, e a mais idosa sobrevivente do Movimento Surrealista.

Birthday (1942) by Dorothea Tanning

A propósito da morte da artista centenária, escreveu Jerry Saltz as seguintes linhas:

“…and pieces of history die with her. Artist, poet, wife of Max Ernst from 1946 until he died in 1976, and (along with Frida Kahlo, Leonora Carrington, Kay Sage, Lee Miller, Maya Deren, Remedios Varo, and Leonor Fini) one of a group of great women Surrealists, she was at the center of a movement that was a vicious mill for women. Among the surrealists, females — while ‘allowed’ to be artists — were often also relegated to the sidelines of neglected or beset mistresses, muses, and madwomen.” Jerry Saltz (for New York Magazine)

via Coilhouse