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Buraco da Torre n.º 9  (A Contra-Cidade)

Counting with an extensive list of collaborators [see below] the 9th issue of the satirical rag was presented in ARARA, june 13 2019, as part of the opening of Feira da Alegria.

[ A. da Silva O., Alex Vieira, Ana Torrie + Carlos Pinheiro, André Lemos, André Ruivo, Antigoni Geronta, Arlindo Silva, Bambi Kramer, Benjamin Brejon, Brulex, Bruno Borges, ceci de f, Christina Casnellie, Craoman, Damian Valdes Dilla, Dav Guedin, Dinis Santos, Ece Canli, Elías Taño, Fabrizio Matos, Fernando Brito, Filipe Silva, Frederico Duarte, Frederico Lobo + Di, Gabriel Evrard, Gonçalo Duarte, Gonçalo Pena, Héctor Arnau, Igor Hofbauer, Inês Viana, Irina Pereira + Miguel Almeida, João Alves, João Faria, João Fontesanta, João Maio Pinto, João Pádua, Joëlle Ghazarian, José Feitor, José Mário Branco, José Smith Vargas, Júlio Henriques, Júlio Mendes Rodrigo, Jurictus, Kostia Botkine, Leonardo Rito, Luís Henriques, Manuel João Vieira, Marco Mendes, Mariana Caló + Francisco Queimadela, Mariana Malhão, Mário Moura, Mariya Nesvyetalo, Martín López Lam, Miguel Carneiro, Miguel Jacques, Nuno Pinto, Nuno Sousa, Olivier Allemane, Pakito Bolino, Pascal Leyder, Pedro Levi Bismarck, Pedro Nora, Pedro Vieira de Moura, Polliana Della Barba, Raphaël Decoster, Regina Guimarães, Ricardo Castro, Rodrigo Neto, Rodrigo Queirós, Rostia Kunovsky, Ruca Bourbon, Rudolfo, Rui Neto, Rui Silva, Saguenail, Teresa Câmara Pestana, Tiago Mesquita Carvalho, Tommi Musturi, Usurpária, Vasja Lebaric, Veljko Onjin, Virgínia Valente, Von Calhau, Xavier Almeida e Zven Balslev. ]



Rendering Unconscious – Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics & Poetry (edited by Vanessa Sinclair)

In times of crisis, one needs to stop and ask, “How did we get here?” Our contemporary chaos is the result of a society built upon pervasive systems of oppression, discrimination and violence that run deeper and reach further than most understand or care to realize. These draconian systems have been fundamental to many aspects of our lives, and we seem to have gradually allowed them more power. However, our foundation is not solid; it is fractured and collapsing – if we allow that. We need to start applying new models of interpretation and analysis to the deep-rooted problems at hand.

“Rendering Unconscious” brings together international scholars, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, researchers, writers and poets; reflecting on current events, politics, the state of mental health care, the arts, literature, mythology, and the cultural climate; thoughtfully evaluating this moment of crisis, its implications, wide-ranging effects, and the social structures that have brought us to this point of urgency.

Hate speech, Internet stalking, virtual violence, the horde mentality of the alt-right, systematic racism, the psychology of rioting, the theater of violence, fake news, the power of disability, erotic transference and counter-transference, the economics of libido, Eros and the death drive, fascist narratives, psychoanalytic formation as resistance, surrealism and sexuality, traversing genders, and colonial counterviolence are but a few of the topics addressed in this thought-provoking and inspiring volume.


Três Três_Autor

“Serei eu o autor da minha vida?”
Revista três três n.º 8

A ideia para a redacção deste texto-devaneio, em jeito de registo auto-confessional, germinou numa avernosa tarde de Agosto, enquanto passeava pelas ruas de Banguecoque, cidade de imensos contrastes. Por entre o imaculado tom laranja das vestes dos monges budistas, através dos reflexos áureos dos templos da capital tailandesa, impregnavam-se-me as narinas de odores nauseabundos, levemente entrecortados pelo aroma adocicado das especiarias. Provindo de Kuala Lumpur e em trânsito com destino a Jacarta, acompanhado de uma permanente sensação de angústia, a minha mente mergulhou num vórtice e os pensamentos começaram a girar em torno de uma única questão: porque carga de água vim eu parar aos confins do Sudeste Asiático?


revistatrestres_7_m“O Sono da Digestão Engendra Monstros – esquisso de uma gastroescatologia onírica”
 Revista três três n.º 7

Este texto-devaneio (sintomático dos impiedosos desarranjos gástricos que me molestam por entre o entrecruzamento paganizante das Estações) toma como inspiração directa os seguintes aspectos: a) uma afirmação homofóbica proferida por um compositor relativamente a um edil (entretanto desaparecido), suposto arauto da divisa “O corpo humano é um tubo”; b) a prática semanal do Chi Kung, uma disciplina oriental que me tem possibilitado aquilo que considero um melhor entendimento sobre a dualidade corpo/mente; c) a primeira citação em epígrafe a este texto (como todos os bons nativos do quarto signo do Zodíaco – no qual estou incluído – também Proust, teve uma propensão para problemas de estômago e indigestões); d) a figura acéfala, “ex-libris” de Georges Bataille, tatuada no meu braço direito em 2012, aquando de uma passagem fugaz por Nova Iorque.


Fenris Wolf 9“Rebis, The Double Being”
THE FENRIS WOLF Issue n.º 9 Edited by Vanessa Sinclair & Carl Abrahamsson

This volume contains material from the conference Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult (London, 2016), with contributions from Gary Lachman, Vanessa Sinclair, Katelan Foisy, Sharron Kraus, Demetrius Lacroix, Graham Duff, Ken Henson, Peter Grey, Val Denham, Claire-Madeline Culkin, Steven Reisner, Katy Bohinc, Olga Cox Cameron, Ingo Lambrecht, Elliott Edge, Charlotte Rodgers, Alkistis Dimech, Fred Yee, Robert Ansell, Ray O Neill, Derek M Elmore, Júlio Mendes Rodrigo, Eve Watson, and Carl Abrahamsson. Topics include Sigmund Freud and the Occult, Art as Alchemy, the art of John Balance, Cut-Ups as a magical and psychoanalytic tool, Maori shamanism within therapy, Animistic art, Dance as ritual, Androgynous aspects in Austin Osman Spare’s art, Salvador Dali’s meeting with Jacques Lacan, Rebis: the Double Being, David Bowie’s Non-Human Effect, similarities between ritual magic and psychoanalysis, and much more.



“O Andrógino Hermético: um “Ser Duplo” através das Artes e das Letras”
Actas/Anais do I do Congresso l Lusófono Esoterismo Ocidental Vol. I Arte e Esoterismo Ocidental
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias | Ciência das Religiões – Linha de Investigação em Esoterismo Ocidental



“Aleister Crowley”
Revista BANG! n.º 21 / Novembro 2016
Publicação bianual da editora Saída de Emergência e um exclusivo FNAC.

“Of course in my conscious self I am always stupid, but the Magus who uses me knows his job”, escrevia Aleister Crowley no seu livro The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: An Autohagiography. Perante esta afirmação somos levados a deduzir que Crowley estaria ciente de que iria permanecer uma figura influente depois da sua morte. Volvidas sete décadas após a mesma constata-se que a escolha do seu “magical motto” (nome místico), Frater Perdurabo, conteve um certo grau de presciência, ou então pelo menos uma intuição bastante aguçada à qual se aliava um ego desmesurado…


À Espera de Um Milagre

A Lira Redentora de NERO
Caderno: “À Espera de Um Milagre Dia 0”
Desenhos de Sandra Roda
Edições RODA Casa Atelier, JUL. 2015

“[MIRACLE] fait extraordinaire et stupéfiant, mais qui, en même temps, fait partie de l’univers quotidien.”
― P.A. Sigal


Intercultural Exchanges

“A different approach to surface manifestations on the Web 2.0 – the example of ac2012.com, based on the ideology of Aleister Crowley”.

ISBN-13: 978-3-659-75532-3
EAN: 9783659755323
Book language: English
Blurb/Short text: What is the real meaning of globalization seen from an intercultural perspective? Can the “either”/“or” logic be overcome, when seen from the angle of intercultural approach? Intercultural Exchanges in the Age of Globalization volume tries to explore both the already-mentioned alternatives, and the legitimacy of the dilemma “per se”, thus underlining the complexity and diversity of intercultural exchanges in an age of globalization.
Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Website: http://www.lap-publishing.com/
Edited by: Gheorghe Manolache
Number of pages: 584
Published on: 2015-07-13
Category: Language and literature science
Price: 94.90 €
Keywords: Globalization, Migrant Literatures, Intercultural Exchanges, Policies of Globalization, Memory and History, Narratives of Globalization, Crises and New Identities

Between 12 and 18 May 2014, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ROMENIA) celebrated 45 years of uninterrupted tradition of higher education in Sibiu. The Center for Philological and Intercultural Research (CPIR), set up in 2005 at the Faculty of Letters and Arts, promoted the international conference, entitled “Intercultural Exchanges in the Age of Globalization”. The Conference was addressed to all academics, researchers, doctoral students, from Romania and abroad, interested in the topic.
On May 16 2014, I had enrolled myself in this initiative with a communication titled “A different approach to surface manifestations on the Web 2.0 – the example of ac2012.com, based on the ideology of Aleister Crowley”.
This my communication’s abstract, as presented  on Panel X – Media and Communication Studies: “To further understand the “surface manifestations” conveyed through social networks, blogs, among other platforms prolific throughout the web 2.0, this text proposes an examination of the impact of globalization in the generation of contestatory intercultural awareness gathered around cultural minorities. The theoretical approach will be grounded on the analysis made by authors such as Umberto Eco and George Simmel, among others, and will use as a central example the online platform AC2012 (ac2012.com), devoted to the promotion of the deceased British occultist Aleister Crowley (1875 – 1947) to president of the United States of America. His motto Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, expressed in his “Liber AL vel Legis” (“The Book of the Law”), synthesizes a message of freedom, central to the AC2012 platform’s conveyance, through the use of humor, controversy and irreverence, of a parallel anti-campaign to the United States presidential election held in 2012. This campaign, which obviously didn’t affect the outcome of the election, moved people worldwide, thus demonstrating the power of technology as a vehicle for the promotion of interculturality.”
Now, I am pleased to announce you, that the volume Intercultural Exchanges in the Age of Globalization has just been published at the LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing. This volume gathers most of the communications and studies presented at the International Conference, mine included.

It can be purchased via the publishing house, HERE.


XIII Emblemas

“Cavitas Oris Dentata” e “Cerebrum Tuum Putrida”
Desenhos de Miguel Carneiro
Com a colaboração de Cumulonimbus

Textos de: UsurpáriaJoëlle GhazarianBenjamim Brejon EcecanliAndreia FarinhaJúlio Mendes RodrigoInês VianaJúlio HenriquesFrederico LoboFilipe SilvaNuno Marques Pinto Arlindo SilvaMarco MendesPedro V. Moura Manel CruzMário Moura.

Esta publicação dos desenhos de Miguel Carneiro conta com dois textos originais da minha autoria, “Cavitas Oris Dentata” e “Cerebrum Tuum Putrida”, respectivamente. Ambos os textos almejam uma aproximação nada monótona aos “Relatos de Belzebu a seu Neto” através da fórmula que nos foi legada por Gurdjieff, excelso promotor da “Filosofia do Autoconhecimento” por via da “Lembrança de Si”!

Publicação: 32 págs-p&b-offset. Capa em serigrafia.

Edição OFICINA ARARA, NOV. 2014our


“The Essence of Dreams”
ANTIBOTHIS – Occultural Anthology 4

Book anthology + cd compilation.

Published by Associação Chili com Carne and Thisco
THISCOvery CChanel collection
First edition, January 2013
Cover art & illustration by André Lemos
Design by João Cunha

Featuring articles from:


ANTIBOTHIS is a collection of book/ cds anthologies featuring texts and interviews showcasing a variety of ideas that are a genuine alternative to the dogma of conformity. A commitment to disconnect the cables of corporhate  coolonization, disinverting cultural reality through the dissemination and dispersion of alternatives vortices of  information and infinite chaotic propaganda, speculation, simulation, stimulation, to revolutionize the dynamics of life in a total process of cultural transformation, reclaiming our guts and revolt in the name of imagination in  opposition to a toxic life of low awareness, herd mentality and programmed though, infecting human minds and alter their behaviour featuring written texts from John Zerzan, Erik Davies, Joe Ambrose, Chad Hensley, Carl Abrahamsson, Vadge Moore, Nigel Ayers, Pentti Linkola, Adi Newton, Ewen Chardronnet, Critical art Ensemble, Antero Alli, Earth First, Boyd Rice, Robin Rimbaud, V. Vale among many others. Each publication features a cd compilation with artist such as The Master Musicians of Joujouka, Controlled Bleeding, Jarboe, O Yuki Conjugate, Cotton Ferox, Andrey Kiritchenko, Scanner, Rapoon, Anla Courtis, Lydia Lunch, Phillipe Petit, Adi Newton, Zeitkratzer, Pietro Riparbelli, Kal Cahoone, Checkpoint 303 among many others.



“Copula Mundi”
by Sound/Space/Signal

Editorial Coordination Benjamin Brejon & Manuel João Neto
Design Micaela Amaral
Translations Manuel João Neto, Carlos Correia Monteiro de Oliveira, Fernando Guerra e Paz
Embossed cover, 172 pages, bilingual english-portuguese texts.

The book “SONORES (Sound/Space/Signal)” complements the three-week cycle of concerts, installations, radio pieces and conferences curated by Benjamin Brejon, Ewen Chardronnet, Manuel João Neto, Jonathan Saldanha and Filipe Silva for the European Capital of Culture – Guimarães 2012.
Edited by Manuel João Neto and Benjamin Brejon, and featuring contributions by Ken Hollings, Olivier Schefer, Jonathan Saldanha, Gregory Whitehead and Konrad Becker, among others, focusing on the multiple implications of sound: as a physical entity, as a vehicle for shaping the perception of time and space, as a cultural phenomenon rich in symbolism and meaning.




Charles Alexander Eastman (Ohyesa) – A Alma do Índio
© Negra Tinta Editorial
Coordenação Editorial de Joaquim Amândio Santos e Júlio Mendes Rodrigo
Introitus  João Teixeira Lopes
Tradução e Prefácio  Rodolfo Oliveira
Revisão Bárbara Fernandes
Composição e Paginação :.gmr.:
Fotografia da Capa F. A. Rinehart
1.ª Edição Publicada em Março 2012
ISBN: 978-989-95069-8-5
Depósito Legal nº 341155/12
Tiragem 120 exemplares

(…) Também temos uma religião que nos foi dada pelos nossos antepassados, e nos foi legada a nós, os  seus filhos. Ensina-nos a ser gratos, a sermos unidos, e a amarmo-nos uns aos outros! Nunca discutimos sobre religião…