“We all have certain electric and magnetic powers within us and ourselves exercise an atracctive and repelling force, according as we come into touch with something like or unlike.”

GoetheGespräche mit Goethe (Conversations with Goethe, Conversations with Eckermann), vols: I and II 1836; vol. III 1848

Júlio Mendes Rodrigo_Yangon

 Chinatown, Rangoon, Burma, August 3rd 2019.

I’m a Portuguese teacher, radio broadcaster, traveller, independent curator and occasional writer. I also lecture about Art and History of Ideas at universities, events, and conferences. I’m currently based in the Australasian realm (Timor-Leste), where I teach History, Geography, Sociology and Portuguese.

[ juliosoleilnoir AT gmail DOT com ]


2005 – 2006: 1st year of Master in Multimedia Art at Fine Arts Faculty – University of Porto (FBAUP).
2002 – 2004: Post-degree in Museology at Faculty of Arts and Humanities – University of Porto (FLUP).
1992 – 1998: Degree in History at Faculty of Arts and Humanities – University of Porto (FLUP).


2013: Discover a Healthy Way of Life through the Romanian Traditions, at Sibiul “Azi” Asociatia, Sibiu – Romania.
2012: Sensitization Training with Reference to Migration, Racism, Discrimination, Culture and Diversity with Strategies for Teaching these Issues to Diverse Age Groups, at InterCultural Iceland, Reykjavík – Iceland.
2010: Lifelong Career Orientation, at AXIS Consulting (Training and Counseling Center), Sofia – Bulgaria.
2010: Creating and Working With Movies in Education: Hands – on Tools and Practical Tips, at CARAsana Videoproduktion, Cologne – Germany.
2005: Schools Museum Internet Learning Europe (SMILE), at Arkitekturmuseet – Swedish Museum of Architecture, Stockholm – Sweden.


Since 1997: Teacher.
1999 – 2000: Bookstore manager at Valentim de Carvalho.


Since 2012: Radio broadcaster. O Arranca Corações is a radio show mainly devoted to Exploratory Music and Arts. Among the artists/creators already interviewed are, Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt (Canadian Filmmaker), Clara Pais & Daniel Fawcett (The Underground Film Studio), Alina Bako (Romanian author), Ana Carvalho (intermedia artist) Jonathan Uliel Saldanha (composer), Catarina Miranda (choreographer), Rui Torres (POeX – Arquivo Digital da Poesia Experimental Portuguesa), Miguel Carneiro (Oficina Arara), Gilberto de Lascariz (author and occultist), Mónica Ovaia and André Mendes (Amplificasom), Filipe Silva (aka HystericalOneManOrchestra, one of the founding members of SOOPA collective), Rita Braga, Pedro Augusto (Ghuna X and Live Low) Simon Huw Jones (And Also the Trees), Ivan Novak (Laibach and NSK founding member), Florian Hecker (German musician), Robin Mackay (philosopher), Johan Aernus and André Guerra (Karnnos), Didi Kern, Tomáš Procházka, e Petr Vrba (Poisonous Frequencies), Hugo Carvalhais, Holger Lund (Global Pop First Wave) Richard H. Kirk (Cabaret Voltaire) and Nigel Ayers (Nocturnal Emissions).
Since 2009: Independent curator (Music and Cinema) –  programmed and worked with artists and projects such as Neil Leonard, Alessandra Rombolá, Alessandra Eramo, Ana Carvalho, Frederico Dinis, The Underground Film Studio, Steve Hubback, Nadia Birkenstock, Éric Létourneau, Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt, Bob Bellerue, Nocturnal Emissions, Wolfskin, Iurta, Karnnos, HHY,  and Phill Niblock, among many others.
2016: Raw Territories Gatherings, a Music and Cinema Festival programmed together with Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt, at Alma Porto Hostel, CCOP – Círculo Católico de Operários do Porto, and Fine Arts Faculty, University of Porto (FBAUP).
2015 – 2016: A Memória Inconsciente das Formas Transfiguradas, a set of 12 concerts programmed together with visual artist André Fonseca, at Rua do Sol and CCOP – Círculo Católico de Operários do Porto.
2014: Res Nullius, 13 cinema sessions voted to some ontological aspects of the human body, programmed together with visual artist Francisco Laranjeira, at Rua do Sol, Porto.
2013: Occult Esoterica AV Gatherings, an audiovisual cycle hosted together with Ana Carvalho, with Saint Julian, .:gmr.:, Pedro Almeida (aka paL), Kanukanakina, Susanna Chiocca, Boiar, Le Onde (aka Luca Massolin), Laetitia Morais, Ana Carvalho, Catarina Miranda, Filipe Silva, ocp – operador de cabine polivalente, Group Mind (Filipe Silva and Diana Combo), Jason Whittaker, Tenda Gruta (André Coelho and Sara Gomes), João Pais Filipe & João Guimarães, at Alma Porto Hostel, Porto.
2012: Divine Filth: In Memoriam Georges Bataille, festival hosted together with Ana Carvalho, with Catarina Miranda, Gilberto de Lascariz, HOMO/HystericalOneManOrchestra, Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Magenta Interior & João Gigante, Rev. Prof. Al Aguero (Thee UM), Rev. Steven J. Leyba, Rhizome Connectome, and Sin Jones, at  Estúdio 111, Porto.
2012: Acephalia Encyclopaedica – conversa em torno de Georges Bataille, conference hosted together with Ana Carvalho, with José Emílio-Nelson and Rowan G. Tepper, at Fundação Eng.º António de Almeida and Centro UNESCO do Porto.
2011: En Attendant Artaud: Uma Excursão Psíquica para Assassinar a Magia, with  VortexSoundTech and Sektor 304, at Galeria Gabinete, Penafiel.
2010: Mircea Eliade Revisitado, with Wolfskin, Plateau Omega and Terra Oca, at Fábrica de Som, Porto.
2009: Thee First Five Years after Violent Death – In memory ov John Balance, with Structura, Two White Monsters Around A Round Table and Electrólise, at Fábrica de Som, Porto.


2016: CROWLEYMASS – Ressonâncias da Grande Besta, lecture at Festival ENTREMURALHAS, Leiria.
2016: Symposium “Psychoanalysis, Art & The Occult” (moderator panel VII): Eve Watson – Bowie’s Non-Human Effect: Uncanniness in The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976) and The Hunger (1983), Luce deLire – Necropolitics, Death Drive & the Necessity of Evil, Carl Abrahamsson – Gradual Formulation – On similarities between ritual magic and psycho-analysis, Candid Arts Centre, London.
2016: O Andrógino Hermético: um “Ser Duplo” através das Artes e das Letras, Lusophone Congress on Western Esotericism, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias – Ciência das Religiões, Lisboa.
2016: Talk with Pierre-Luc Vaillancourt at Fine Arts Faculty, University of Porto (FBAUP).
2016: Sancta Viscera Tua na Igreja de Santa Clara: uma leitura do Templo enquanto Imago Mundi e reprodução terrestre de um modelo transcendente, International Congress GENIUS LOCI: PLACES AND MEANINGS, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.
2014: A different approach to surface manifestations on the web 2.0 – The example of, based on the ideology of Aleister Crowley, International Conference Intercultural Exchanges in the Age of Globalization, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
2014: NADA DE DOGMA: reflexões sobre uma poética do espaço cénico, lecture at Scenic Arts chair, Arts and Multimedia degree at ISMAI (Instituto Superior da Maia), Maia.
2014: Ocultura Futurista: a entoação de rumores num (im)provável entrecruzamento de vários ismos, lecture at the event “RUMORI – Celebração do centenário dos primeiros concertos da Orquestra de Intonarumori de Luigi Russolo”, Sonoscopia, Porto.
2013: Latinidades Periféricas e Minoritárias: a necessidade de um novo paradigma editorial (together with Ana Carvalho), International Conference (Re)constructing Latinity: National and Transnational Identities of Romance Cultures, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.
2013: Panopticon: Vigilância e Punição do Génio na Patologia, lecture at the event Filo-Café Ângelo de Lima, Centro Hospitalar Conde de Ferreira, Porto.
2013: Simulações em Cena: Considerações históricas em torno da noção de simulacro, lecture at Scenic Arts chair, Arts and Multimedia degree at ISMAI (Instituto Superior da Maia), Maia.
2012: Ocultismo e Utopia: o Reino Perdido de Shambhala, lecture at Festival Matanças, Casa Viva, Porto.


2022: Danzas Obsidiana w/ HOMO + Ilusão Gótica + Alicia Carrera Passos Manuel at Passos Manuel, Porto.
HOMO + Guests & Ghosts (Live Auditório) with Marta Silva | Beatriz Rola | Steve Hubback | Nuno Pinto | Favela Arkestra | Frater Perdurabo Lovis Optimus.
2015: DJ mixset SAINT JULIAN präsentiert eine historischer Dokumentarfilm in Schwarz-weiß at ACOUSMATICS / MATHEMATICS Final Open Session [as a local podcasting series curated by Diogo Tudela, A/M’s main goal was to trace Porto’s independent music scene backbone through an archival methodology], Cinema Passos Manuel, Porto.
2015The ANDROMEDA Splinter – a mythical conspiracy, spoken word performance presented at AMPLIFEST 2015, Hardclub, Porto. (Video: Ana Carvalho, Sounds: Nocturnal Emissions).
2015: Sacrum Fulgor, sound/light installation and performance with André Fonseca at  Braga Cathedral.
2015: Author of the text A Lira Redentora de NERO, a spoken word performance by Nuno Marques Pinto at Casa Roda Atelier, Porto.
2014: DJ at the party event “PHANTASMA + DJ LYNCE convidam SAINT JULIAN” at Café au Lait (Porto).
2014: A Torre Fulminada, spoken word performance and installation with Nuno Marques Pinto, Angélica V. Salvi, Miguel Carneiro and Rafael Cortéz at the keep tower Castle of Braga.
2014: Co-author, together with Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, of the Sancta Viscera Tua dramaturgy, a piece constructed with voice, gesture, sound and light, a convergence of people, architectures and impetus that together carried out a reenactment of the invisible, presented at Santa Clara Church in Porto and at the São Francisco Church in Guimarães.


2019: “PALINGÉNESE”, Buraco da Torre n.º 9 (A Contra-Cidade), published by Oficina Arara.
2019: “GNOTHI SEAUTON”, Rendering Unconscious – Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics & Poetry (edited by Vanessa Sinclair).
2018: “Serei eu o autor da minha vida?, Revista Três Três, n.º 8.
2017: “O Sono da Digestão Engendra Monstros – esquisso de uma gastroescatologia onírica”, Revista Três Três, n.º 7.
2017: “Rebis, The Double Being”, The Fenris Wolf, n.º 9.
2017: “O Andrógino Hermético: um «Ser Duplo» através das Artes e das Letras”, Lusophone Congress on Western Esotericism Proceedings – Vol. I Art and Western Esotericism – Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias | Ciência das Religiões – Linha de Investigação em Esoterismo Ocidental.
2016: “Aleister Crowley”, Revista BANG!, n.º 21.
2015: “A different approach to surface manifestations on the Web 2.0 – the example of, based on the ideology of Aleister Crowley”, text included in the volume Intercultural Exchanges in the Age of Globalization, published by Lambert Academic Publishing. (This volume gathers most of the communications and studies presented at the International Conference – Intercultural Exchanges in the Age of Globalization, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, May 2014).
2015: “O Esquecimento do Homem e a Honra aos Deuses: uma apologia da desigualdade”, Finis Mundi: A Última Cultura, n.º 8.
2014: “Cavitas Oris Dentata” and “Cerebrum Tuum Putrida”, texts included in Em Terra de Cus Quem Tem Rei é Cego, a book of drawings by Miguel Carneiro, published by Oficina Arara.
2013: “Novilíngua = Língua Morta”, Finis Mundi: A Última Cultura, n.º 7.
2013: “Apostasia”, Infernus, n.º 30.
2013: “Primo Posthuman: de artificialis natura”, Infernus, n.º 29.
2013: “Na Corte de Lucifer”, Infernus, n.º 28.
2013: “The Essence of Dreams”, Antibothis Occultural Anthology, n.º 4.
2012: “Copula Mundi”, text included in SONORES (Sound/Space/Signal), a book that complements the three-week cycle of concerts, installations, radio pieces and conferences curated by Benjamin Brejon, Ewen Chardronnet, Manuel João Neto, Jonathan Saldanha and Filipe Silva for the European Capital of Culture – Guimarães 2012.
2012: “Nupta Cadavera: um prelúdio à putrefacção”, Infernus, n.º 27.
2012: “Evento Violento Desconhecido”, Infernus, n.º 26.
2012: “Acheronta Movebo”, Infernus, n.º 25.
2012: “Theologia Theatrica: uma aproximação a Klossowski”, Infernus, n.º 24.
2012: “Mehr Licht”, Finis Mundi: A Última Cultura, n.º 5.
2011: “Occultus Rex”, Finis Mundi: A Última Cultura, n.º 4.
2011: “Moon’s Milk”, Infernus, n.º 23.
2011: “C.G. Jung e as Coisas Vistas no Céu”, Infernus, n.º 2.
2011: “Uma Certa Anatomia da Melancolia: Camões à Luz de Saturno”, Finis Mundi: A Última Cultura, n.º 2.
2010: “Viriato: O Mito Heróico Revisitado”, Finis Mundi: A Última Cultura, n.º 1.


2010: Summa Techno(i)logicae, Negra Tinta, Penafiel.